BIG, HUGE, and HEARTFELT thank you to...
Grammpa Griffiths- because he had to first deal with the puke in his peekup, he had to take Emma to the first hospital and be there with her during the tests, he had to deal with me on the phone and had to follow the ambulance. Because he stayed with us in Wichita and helped out with the hotel, gave us breaks, made sure we ate, and helped with the medical professionals when we were just to tired to listen anymore. He had no idea that the start of his vacation would turn into something much, much different.
Gramma and Grampa Larson- because you drove down and helped us with the hospital rotations, you got her a tiara and pretties. Thank you for canceling other plans and helping us with Emma the rest of the weekend.
David Cooper- because you emailed and asked if we needed anything and did exactly what we needed you to do and that was to start prayer chains and send down your wonderful spouse.
Kim Cooper- because you drove down....at the exact time I/we would need you. You told me the good, the bad, and prepped me for things that would have never crossed my mind...ever. You knew what it was like to be in my shoes and showed me how to get through :)
Jamie-Thank you for letting me call and vent....thank you for sending Emma gifts...both before surgery and when we got home :)
Kristen-Thank you for the wonderfully soft and cuddly Elephant...it arrived while we were in the PICU. Perfect timing.
Nana and Papa Ray- Thank you for coming to Omaha and spending several days cooking, cleaning, laundry, and watching Emma so that we could try to get back on schedule.
I know the nurses and doctors will never read this but most of them were awesome....from the doctor who first thought that she heard stomach noises in Emma's chest to our wonderful PICU nurse who got us a quieter room and let us stay a bit longer, they made our "experience" more manageable.