Day care......I think if I looked it up the definition would be a high priced place you don't want to take your child to. It would have a footnote, if you want a day care you must reserve a spot the moment you conceive the child because if not your screwed!
What? You didn't get the memo about that? ;)
Bummer. Hope you have better luck soon with the daycare search!
Maybe you could convince the school to just let you bring her along to work. She could serve as a sort of "hands on" prop for your health classes. And if she ever has screaming fits or something you can just say you are introducing your students to "alternate methods of birth control." ;)
funny Kristen!!! Who know that could possibly work!? I have heard that some babies/children can influence birth control - but somehow I don't know if Emma could - she possbily could work in the reverse - which only could be said by a Grama.......
Yes, the grama's hope she works in reverse :) Hahaha
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