Sassy is 27.5 inches long and 17.7 lbs. 99+% and 96+% respectively. She is a strong girl and is doing what she's supposed to. She will most likely need a larger carseat before most babies her soon as 6 months. She got 2 shots and cute pink Snoopy band-aids! A small fever later she's doing great grabbing at things and drooling/chewing on her hands. Such a happy gurl!!!!
It's wonderful to know that she is so healthy - obviously she's going to be tall! And you definitely can't say that she is a fussy eater. We both commented she changes so much every time we see her. And she is a very happy, happy gurl!
Awwww - What a little sweetie. I am so anxious to see her - and you and Ben too, of course.
Is that Priority Mail box behind her so you can send her over to her Aunties' house? ;) Adorable pictures, as always. She's getting so big! HOpe you, Ben, and Emma are all doing well.
So cute! And I love that Charlie is lurking in the background. I can see him thinking "Why is she allowed on the table and I'm not?" Where did she get her NASA bib? Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
I sent this to my desk top at work - it appears to be official with the Priority Mail box in the background. Don't think that any one should oppose that....guess I'll find out soon. Too cute not to be on my desk top!
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