Thursday, April 17, 2008


At today's appointment we had yet another ultrasound....very nice technician who gave us 10, count em 10 pictures to leave with....while she was investigating all internal business I got my finger poked for the glucose screening...and that nurse turns around, trips over my purse and ooops! spills most of my specimen. She proceeds to come back and "milk" my finger for more without more pokes. Long story short, I passed!!
I will have ultrasound pictures as soon as I can get them on here. She was kicking away in there!


Anonymous said...

She didn't get any blood on your Coach did she?? :)

wifeogeek said...

no, no, not to worry the coach was safe and sound...the carpet on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

I KNOW how you can be about the "blood" thing - you go girl!