Monday, November 23, 2009

Photo update..

on Walgreens for those of you on there.

One year ago...

Today....and one year ago today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

16 months

This week I will work on:
1) posting some pictures for you and
2) updating all photo sites

We headed to the dr. last week because we had a very un-sassy like day and did not want to eat....just wanted to throw food and pitch a fit. One check up later one ear was infected.....problem solved and Sassy got grape tongue depressors as a departing gift.
Grandparents have been here the past 2 weekends so Sassy has been kept quite busy giving kisses and what not!
She can say What's that, Who's that, hi kitty, hi puppy, Whee (when mommy drives daddy's car :)),
getcha-getcha-getcha, pees, and Baa (bath), and E-I-E-I (no "o").
She can open her door, and help Sadie out of her kennel.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

15 month check up!

Emma's info:

34 1/2 inches tall (above 99%)
27.10 lbs (above 96%)

Can say:
Mama, Dada, Pupee, Whatzat, Hi, pees, uh-oh, woof-woof

Likes: Cheese!, candy corn, mook, mac and chee, veggies, fruits, yougurt, cheese biscuits, books, going bye-bye, ballons

Dislikes: Scarecrows, scary dolls that open their eyes, dressing from waldorf salad, sometimes cabbage, and mommy not giving her candy corn or cheese biscuits

Can climb stairs and likes to open doors. Has recently taken up eating mud and sand.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Precious

Nope, it's not her Halloween costume. She was modeling it for the daycare lady so she could sell it on craigslist. So cute!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I have a busy girl...

Went to my first football game! The boys won!
I met my cousin Thea. (it was hard to get a non-fuzzy picture of 2 one-year-olds) I also traveled to Texas and got to jet-ski and hang out with my Texas family.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I haz it.....I also need to learn to use another finger when mommy does my hair like this.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Let. Me. In.

She wasn't allowed to go in this time, but hopefully this weekend she will get her fair share of some lake time.

You should see the other guy!

This was after a fight with a love seat and a coffee table.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Things....

or not new for some of you.
Emma can now:
walk, albeit it's a bit like after a night out.
waves (the princess wave from Princess Diaries)
remembers the other little 1 year old at daycare and gives her kisses!
Can say puppy, dada, mama, kitty, and a few other words.
likes Lima fact she will pretty much devour any food...
Favorite foods for the moment: mook, peach yougurt, CHEESE, goldfish crackers, fresh tomatoes, and any fruit

Some random Sassy-ness for your day!

Emma at the hydrant party at the end of July... the other babies are a bit younger than Sassy, one is a neighbor (baby Nora 2 months and her cousin Claire 8 months at the time)
Sassy had a GREAT time in the water and was not scared at all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sassy's first Chinese food.

We opted for some take out from Hy-Vee because feeding Emma at any place other than home is a full time in you don't get to eat! She had some lo mein, chicken and mushroom, and some teriyaki chicken (which I think may be Japanese). So far there is not much she won't eat. She also had her very first Toll House Cookie that daddy made. She eats regular people food and LOVES her mook and cheese!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Mimi's coming?

She is? When will she be here?

I say goodbye......I say hello!

Goodbye to my lovely Canon were a good friend.

And hello to my new appendage sassy Sony!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Emma's Jesus Moment

Thank you God for making this delicious corn on the cob and having mommy give it to me! AMEN!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sassy Summer Pictures

Walgreen's website has been updated with hundreds of me if you need in!

1 year doctor visit

25 lbs
33 inches
Head circumperance lowered in percent
Got 3 shots and blood drawn
Cleared to eat all foods....minimal on the peanut butter
Walked 2 steps in the dr.s office

Now is wearing size 18-24 months

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shutterfly and Swimming

Today I think Emma and I are going to investigate some swimming lessons...later today or tonight I'm hoping to update Shutterfly with all of the pictures that have been taken in the last month....just a few hundred or so :) Have a Happy Thursday!!

A few more Birthday pictures!

Happy First Birthday!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy "1st" 4th of July!!!

More pictures to come Uncle Jake got Emma her first ice cream was love at first sight!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Grampa steals Sassy's Food

I have learned that
1) Young babies/infants do not understand the concept of sharing yet. (Duh! Grampa)
2)Sassy will emit a ear-piercing scream if you try to take away her bottle or crackers/"cheerios".
3)because Grampa Griffiths tried yesterday to steal Sassy's food, today at lunch as soon as I gave her the cheesy duck crackers she immediately covered them all with her hands...looked around, and started to shove those puppies into her mouth as quickly as possible.

Poor Sassy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy


The past few weeks has been busy!

I see that the birthday poll is at a tie...I guess the theme will be a surprise until her birthday then! It will be one of those listed though.
Emma and I have been garage sale-ing(some lady told me Emma looked like a infant in a 2 year old's body), played in her new little pool, went to the eye doctor to clear up her eye and played with some of her new toys.

Yesterday we practiced using a fork with our lunch and worked on our walking skills. As per daddy's request, a video from yesterday!

This was her 3rd time through...the first time she went even farther!

Also a few cheezy photos for you to enjoy:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's a Sassy Summer so far

Sassy got some great finds from garage sales this weekend! Here are some pictures of her haul.

More dancing......

Monday, June 8, 2009

A year ago...

I was looking at the this blog and exactly a year ago was sassy's shower. It was a awesome baby shower, the best I've been to. I had said I would put up pictures from that day and I noted today that I never got any from some of the people that attened. So a year later..sorry, I still to this day have no photos.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shake your booty...

Sassy at Miss Lisa's

Playing with Gracie and Ryan.

School's out for Summer!!!

Yes, I know you are all (all 5 of you or so) are waiting for new and fabulous pictures of Sassy. I can assure you that there will be some very soon.
The hungry little girl ate 2 jars of cereal/fruit this morning with her usual handful of organic "cheerios". You should see her little eyes light up when that box comes out of the cabinet and I shake it...Pavlov's dog move over!
We then it was what happens when you tip your sippy cup upside get some wet drawers! We read some books (her FAVORITE is Peek a Who....must be finding me some more by that author for her) and then she plunked down with her wooby for a nap. We may hit up Costco today....we'll see. I did a lot of golfing yesterday and parred a hole with a "Happy Gilmore" off the tee box, followed by a "Sammy Sosa/Babe Ruth on the fareway. It was awesome.
Get ready for some pictures this week!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

She's home....

and she only quit "talking" when she went down for her afternoon nap. Apparently she thought that she needed to tell me everything that happened at Grama's house and it was a long colorful story indeed.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Such a Deal!!!!!!!!!!

Sassy got a playhouse today. I was heading home from Costco when I saw a lady a block and a half away from our house put a cardboard sign by this on her curb. I (being genetically predisposed for this) turn around and checked it out. It was for sale so I asked how much....35 dollars later it was delivered to our driveway!!! I know she can't use it just yet, but how could one turn this sort of a deal down. Now she has a small potting shed and this playhouse. Hmmm, maybe she needs a whole "neighborhood" in the back yard. ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two Teeth!!!...and 2 long days ahead

They have left. Ben and Sassy are heading over for 2 long days ahead to help my dad/grammpa with his shoulder surgery in the am(It sure must stink gettin old). They(the 2 younger ones) will be back Saturday or Sunday....leaving me with some free time! Sassy is up to 2 teeth now, the bottom ones. Maybe her and grammpa can gum on some soft foods together! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thank you Miss Lisa!

She took a few other cute ones...but those may be presents later!