Thursday, August 28, 2008

Terms of Endearment.....the movie

As I was playing "operation" (the game of which by the way was far more useful in terms of learning a skill than many college classes) on Emma's nose trying to remove the obstructions....and I thought of the movie Terms of Endearment. I haven't seen it in ages; oddly I have a thing for 2 Shirley MacLaine movies...anywho, during the previously mentioned operation I thought of her practically crawling in the crib with her baby daughter "Emma" (oddly enough) to check on her. I backed away from the baby....I will not be "that" mom.


Anonymous said...

Oh-so-sweet. What a great photo. And I don't think I'd judge you for crawling in the crib with her. Well. Maybe a little. ;)

So essited for this weekend - see you soon!

Anonymous said...

love the picture with both of your hands. she is going to be very popular this weekend - I'm sure we'll all want our Emma time.