Friday, December 12, 2008

I see you!!

I added a feature which allows me to see who is visiting the post a comment and say hi to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi. My name's Haley. And I'm an Emma-holic. (Hi Haley.)

Anonymous said...

Haley, Just wait until you get one of her heart melting smiles as Christmas - her Mom calls them "cheesy" - but they are definitely heart melting. Nina

Anonymous said...

I hope you and Ben realize you pretty much aren't going to get to see your child for a couple days at Christmas. She has two aunties who are positively itching to get their hands on her. Just thought I'd let you know so you could be prepared. ;)

wifeogeek said...

Yeah, we usually just say our goodbyes before we get somewhere. We're used to the drill. :)